Monday, September 17, 2007

Vogue Scarf Class a Big Hit

Sandy had a class last Wednesday for the scarf on the cover of the Vogue Knitting 25th Anniversary issue. The class was so much fun. Everyone left completing a flower. Shelly is doing her scarf in various greens. Below is a picture of one of her flowers.

Since the class was very popular and many people were unable to take it, we definitely will be offering it again. So stay tuned!!!!

Sandy made a sample of the scarf for the shop. Instead of using the alchemy silk yarns like the pattern used, she opted for the Debbie Bliss Pure Silk and Sirdar Baby Bamboo. She used the Pure Silk for the black and silver flowers and the baby bamboo for the cream. This scarf is perfect for the Holiday season. You can also get creative and do the flowers in different colors like Sandy.